If your addon does require another addon - it shouldn't error if that addon isn't present.
Avoid requiring other addons - In some cases this is permissible - like if it's an addon for a gamemode. This includes props that are required for your addons to work. CS:S, Portal or Half-Life 2 games) will be removed. Do not upload retail game content - All addons containing any content from a paid game (e.g. #UNSUBSCRIBE FROM ALL STEAM WORKSHOP CODE#
Do not release stolen code - All addons that are proven to have stolen code will also be taken down. This includes giving yourself elevated access over other users (SteamID checks, Giving yourself Admin status, RunString, spawning entities, etc), forcing people to be connected to different servers against their will, crashing or otherwise preventing the player from using the addon in private or on their servers. Do not upload addons with malicious elements - All addons containing any sort of exploits or backdoors will be removed. pornographic sprays/decals, nudity) - this includes links to such content in description. Your submission must not contain pornographic content. Your submission must not contain offensive content. Facepunch Terms of Service and UGC guidelines. Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content. #UNSUBSCRIBE FROM ALL STEAM WORKSHOP MOD#
Rules applied to Garry's Mod addons uploaded to Steam Workshop. Violating the rules will get your submission banned. This page describes rules for all Steam Workshop submissions in Garry's Mod Hub.